Saturday, May 24, 2008

New happenings...

I have to admit that when it comes to being a computer genius...I am not!!!

I have posted some of our pictures from our last trip to Pensacola and they
are "backwards"...ending at the get the picture!!! Anyway..
we had a wonderful time being a family. We love visiting Naval Air Station, brings back many warm memories for our whole family.

While there we had the blessings of seeing some family and friends, which was
very special for our whole family. We got to see my niece Melanie and her
family...we hadn't seen her in over 10 years...God bless you and your family
Melanie, we love you!!!

We really enjoy our time together as a family...time to reflect on what is really
important in this life. Time to gather new visions and also time to gather the
strength to make those visions happen.

After my surgery and thru all this time of recuperating, I have come to appreciate
my family in a very special way. Each one of them has been such a tremendous
encouragement and strength to me to get thru each day. They have given so much of
themselves to me and I love each one of them with an everlasting and eternal love.

Without you all, I couldn't have made it thru the last 3 months....
I Love you!!! God Bless everyone of you.

Love, Tracy (and Mom)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Looks like you all had a GREAT time! Those Blue Angels pictures were awesome. We love the picture of little Stephen and Ben. That gas sign was too close for comfort :(

    Love you all!
    The Dischers
