We had alot of fun. We went on a water ride and got SOAKING wet. For most of the day we had to walk around in wet clothes and squishy shoes. :). But as the weather usually is, It was Hot and we dried up after a couple hours. Here are a couple pictures of our Day at Universal.
PS. Yes we purposley matched :).
Ben: Whoa! I just gave how much money to do this??
Ben and Rachel sitting in a cart :). Ahhh....How sweet! :D
Me and my favorite Daddy!!! :D :D :D
Momma and Ben in the back seat of Cat and the Hat....Ben just couldn't pass up being wierd. :D :D :D
The three Amigos...wait...the 2 Amigo's and 1 Amiga ;).
Now it switches....the 2 Amiga's and 1 Amigo.
Ben and Momma...:)
Momma and me :). Forgive us we put a certain setting on the camera and didn't realize it! :D
Daddy, Ben, and I
Its the Super Heros!!!
This is for CJ stricklen. Its Spiderman.....on a 4 wheeler?? Why didn't he just swing in? :)
Ben :).
Fear Factor Live. Mama wanted to go really bad! ;) :D
Momma and Daddy with the original car from back to the future ;).
Ok...this waiting in line is really getting old. I'M ABOUT TO GO CRAZY!!!
Aw man...they beat me to it. :D
Of course Ben had to make another silly face for this one too...:P
about to finish up at Universal after a LONG day.
finally leaving.
Bye bye Universal. :)